
A Welcome Note

Welcome To---
Aven Harper The Myx Writer!

To start I'd like to say that the sole reason for my creation of these blogs is to supply you entertainment and information. After making one or two blogs I realized the sheer potential each new blog had, and, now it(blog making) is like a custom/hobby whereby I can publish my work.

What if the world had no blogs? Or more on the specific side, a world with no information or entertainment? Life would be.... dull if I could say so myself, so I'm here to add on to that information, help, entertainment, advice, and etc, to make sure it doesn't die off.

This blog will house various facts of my work (probably of other blogs), maybe contain some of my life's stories, and other things. Okay, some might think 'Huh? Life's stories? Why would I want to know that?' but the truth is you don't have to listen to that, you don't have to know about me, it is there for those who want to know and further more, you don't have to know the simple secret behind all my work.

The other things that'll appear in this blog might be; random stuff, like nice videos I find or cool images; plans for future blogs or other things; some short stories; links and reviews of , games, music, other websites, etc; maybe an advice page to those who need advice. As you can see there are many subjects that the blog will cover, don't think of it as just a blog. Probably a blog that is the center of many things.

Use the page links on the left to navigate through the blog

Notice: All posts are given the date of the blog start. So those of you who think that the blog is not being updated, it is being updated.

Notice - 3/10/08 - New month! Well, I've got some bad news, I'll be gone off for a trip overseas for about a month so that means updates won't be coming in as fast as usual. So when I can I'll update but if not, then farewell for a month!