

The Past Is Somehow Part Of The Present...
Tribute to the Greats Section---
There are great people out there. People who deserve to be looked up to. Although most are already honoured I would still like to give tribute to them. Only naming a few I would say; the greatest mind, Da Vinci; the greatest ruler, Alexander The Great; the greatest writer, J.R.R. Tolkien; the greatest painter, Salvador Dali. It's hard to only name one person for each category, so each tribute given to a person is to be shared with everybody from the same category, that is, greatness.

On behalf of all those who wish for this to be given.
An honourable tribute quote, written by me, is given to the greatest of the world---
Though we may be able to say or write our exact gratitude and appreciation, the greatest can only be depicted as the greatest, only a tribute that will appear alive can match that greatness, may that tribute cast a shadow blocking light and show the expression of a real face; though this you cannot accomplish with the pen, the brush, or by thought; but by going through what they went through and feel as they felt.

  • For those out there who can understand that quote, may you see the true thought at hand and feel the greatness. Then and only then, will the proper tribute be given.
Tributes from the People To their Specials---

1)From Marsha (8yrs), U.S.- 26/9/08

"I would like to honor my mother with this beautiful poem I found" Were her exact words.

Mom, I honor you
I promise today
Mom, I honor you
I promise always
Mom, I honor you
I promise okay
Mom, I honor you
I promise on the 13th of May
Mom, I honor you
I promise no matter the occasion, no matter the day
Mom, I honor you
I promise to love, honor, and obey
Mom, I honor you
I promise, give thanks, and pray

Such a daughter must really love her mother. Thank you Marsha for sharing that with us.

  • Whoever wants to give a personal tribute to any person (can be anybody) just contact me on my email and send the tribute to me so I can post it here on the 'Tribute To The Greatest'.
Put the subject as : Tributes
Tell me who the tribute is to-
Tell me who it is from-
Then put down the message, picture, or anything else.
(When I have reviewed the application I will reply to your email and then post the tribute on this page)
Page Created: 25/9/08

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